Q&A: MYKA Evokes Nostalgia While Proceeding Forward With New Single, “american kids”


☆ BY Gomi Zhou

Photos By Jean-Marc Enongene


LA-BASED, GREENSBORO, NC NATIVE — MYKA has released his first single of the year.

Presenting a more polished hip-hop infused, indie-rock sound, “american kids” fits perfectly as an opening theme to any coming-of-age movies. But his lyrics cut deeper than the surface level American-ism of things. Rather than banking on nostalgia to work its magic, MYKA details personal past from his youth, a life that was specific to suburban kids who basked under a different summer sun.

The music video of “american kids” features nothing but warm and whimsy feelings, as seen through snapshots of fleeting joy and monumental moments such as graduation and school dances. The young artist specifically chooses scenes of whirlwinds, motions, and thrills. The disco-inspired instrumentations alongside timeless scenes of hyper-Americanism make “american kids” sentimental and, by nature, reminiscent.

In comparison to his last full length, WHERE WE GO FROM HERE, “american kids” feels more introspective on purpose. Instead of presenting something relatable and reflective for listeners, MYKA turns to specific personal moments to speak to the most tender corners of your soul.

Read below as MYKA chats about “american kids” and everything nostalgia-related.

LUNA: Hi! How are you doing? Tell us a bit more about yourself? 

MYKA: I’m doing great, thanks for asking. A bit tired but good. I have a show on Friday we’re getting  ready for. Working a lot with my manager, brainstorming, recording, etc. — all that fun stuff. I’m originally from North Carolina — Greensboro to be exact. I started making music pretty young, around 13 years old, and I fell in love with the idea of being an artist. Something was telling me, “You can do this,” and it’s been that way ever since.  

LUNA: The music video for the new single “american kids” is truly something special. What gave  you the idea for it? Why these particular clips? What are the criteria? 

MYKA: Thank you! The idea behind the video was honestly just my love for home videos recorded on VHS camcorders. The aesthetic makes it feel personal, like when you were a kid. All the clips I put together I felt told the story as best as it can with just visuals. So I’m really proud of that video. It took so many hours (laughs)

LUNA: Tell us more about the new single in general. What’s different about this track, and how is it related to your own personal experience growing up?  

MYKA: “American kids” comes from how I grew up back home and in Maryland briefly. Me being 13 and knowing what I wanted to do was rare. Even after and during high school I was still on the same path. I had friends who were really talented at the time but were scared to leave home. I couldn’t understand because I wanted to leave and see what was out there! I’m a YouTube freak so I watched so many vlogs of artists and interviews and I thought, “There’s another life that I’m not living yet that I know I can, if I make that leap.” I made that leap and would come home and see a lot of people stuck in the same ways, going to the same bars/clubs, having the same conversations and talking about the “old days.” It made me very happy that I chose my route. I’m a kid who was born and raised American and anybody who is knows exactly what I’m talking about. 

LUNA: North Carolina has a very robust music scene. In fact, it’s one of the many not-so-tuck-away scenes in the country that not everyone is aware of. Were you personally inspired by your town and its people when you first began your musical journey? What’s it like to be influenced by multiple genres and being a multi-genre artist in general? 

MYKA: The scene isn’t really big at all, but I love what we brought to the table. I wasn’t too inspired by where I was from. More so because I grew up in the age of the internet. So it came from all over! But I was definitely inspired by my own and my friend’s experiences. It helped me write a lot. I’m inspired by a lot of different genres. I'm always gaining inspiration from whatever I’m a fan of and making it my own. I love taking sounds and blending together. My writing shifts and changes because of the blending. It definitely sets me apart I would say, ’cause there aren’t many in this lane of music, and I love that. 

LUNA: A not-music-related question: Favorite memory growing up? Have you written about it in songs? 

MYKA: Ohh mannn. My favorite memory has to be from my 13th birthday party. My mom made custom packaged wristbands and I passed them out at school. Everyone was crowded around me screaming, wanting one so bad. It made me feel cool (laughs) and the party was sooo fun. I had a crazy birthday cake and a DJ. So many gifts and I arrived in my mom’s Jaguar at the time. Yeah, I thought I was the shit (laughs)

LUNA: In your opinion, what sets you apart from other artists?

MYKA: My mission statement has always been it’s not just about me ’cause we’re all in this together… Truly. I’m on the same journey to achieve something in life. I truly see myself as a listener and a fan outside of being an artist. I tell everyone to embrace the unknown ’cause it’s beautiful — it’s not scary. I’m changing the narrative on that. I’m in a lane of my own and will continue to be. Sonically, creatively, everything. Listening to my music and meeting me, you’ll see that. 

LUNA: I really enjoyed your 2020 project, WHERE WE GO FROM HERE. It feels very much like a  concept album. Is “american kids” part of something bigger too? Can you tell us anything you’ve got planned?

MYKA: Thank you!! I really really love that EP. I worked really hard on it. I’m actually releasing a few more singles and another project this year or early next year. I have sooo much more to come. More shows, merch, videos, everything. I’m super excited. We have a lot planned! Just wait. You’re gonna see way more of me. I want to be crazy famous, paparazzi and all! (Laughs)





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