Q&A: Sally Boy Highlights His Versatility and Growing Soundscape With 'Lies I Tell Myself' EP


☆ BY Lisa Watts

Album Artwork by Eddie Mandell


FEW THINGS BEAT THE FEELING OF FINDING MUSIC WITH A UNIQUE SOUND - if you’re on the hunt for something fresh, Sally Boy’s new EP Lies I Tell Myself might just be what you’re looking for. The Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter and an all around artistic mastermind, showcases a collection of tracks that go beyond the norms of Pop. Singles leading up to the EP “Chess & Checkers”, “Bad Habits”, “Good At Being Lonely” and “Bongo” allowed the listener to gain insight into the ever-expanding soundscape of Sally Boy. Lies I Tell Myself is not shy of exceptional talent and provides for an easy to digest intro into Sally Boy’s world.

In addition to his uniquely crafted music videos and tracks, Sally Boy also has a YouTube series titled The Sally Boy Show, where he displays more of his talent through comedy skits, as well as showcasing his carefree and undeniable contagious personality.

The new RCA/Loud Robot signee recently opened for The Jacks at the Fonda Theatre and has continued to stay on the radar the past year through a plethora of music and visual content to accompany. Though still celebrating the release of Lies I Tell Myself, Sally Boy has kept a solid pace and is already working on new music to follow. 

While speaking with Sally Boy to learn more about his forthcoming EP, it’s quick to notice his endless passion and drive that encapsulate his musical abilities. Learn more about the latest EP, “The Sally Boy” show and more below. 

Photos By Sophie Gragg for The Luna Collective

LUNA: If you were able to have everyone view your new and much-anticipated EP: Lies I Tell Myself, in a way that you have hoped for, what would that look like?

SALLY BOY: I think the fact that every listener will be doing so with fresh ears is all I could ask for. There’s nothing I could or even necessarily would want to say. Cause that would affect a person’s first listen, and that’s theirs to cherish untouched. So, for it to be new and exciting off rip is perfect conditions :) 

LUNA: While keeping that answer in mind, what would be three words that you would use to describe the overall theme of your EP?

SALLY BOY: Intentional, Light, and Moderately-Experimental.

LUNA: At the beginning of your video; Sally Boy Show 2: Episode 1: “Maybe It’s Your Fault”, you are told by two people that they don’t “get” your new album, do you foresee your fans and followers having the same reaction? If so, what would they not “get”?

SALLY BOY: Oh no I am not at all. This jawn is easy. That’s the whole point of it for me. I want it to go down smooth, make sense, fundamentally, to all who listen. The Sally Boy Show is just a separate creative outlet for me :) Not relating to the music!

LUNA: Music is definitely an amazing outlet that can also be extremely personal- is there one lyric from your song, “Bongo”, that has the most meaning to you? Which one is it and why?

SALLY BOY: I really like:

“Baby I’m a classified mistake/you could take my pride forreal that shit stank/dont faze me uh/I’m amazing and y’all can’t understand the basics Im through it” 

To me those lines best encapsulate the frenzied nature of the whole song. Within ~30 words I go from calling myself a mistake to amazing, which is honestly a pretty good representation of my life/creative confidence at all times.  

LUNA: What has been the biggest challenge that you have had to overcome thus far, while trying to maneuver your way through this crazy and competitive music industry of our generation?

SALLY BOY: Constant self promotion. It’s exhausting! I rapid-fire through phases of manic content creation and then will just sit on my thumb for weeks at a time. Finding a healthy balance, and constantly putting myself in the best position to succeed is something I’ve struggled with. Especially since so many people are so good at it! You fall behind if you stop :/ 

LUNA: What is something you remember about living in Philadelphia, that made it difficult to create art? Does that still apply to your time creating art in Los Angeles?

SALLY BOY: The only thing that inhibited me from making art when I lived in Philadelphia was that I didn’t have any recording software nor production knowledge. But that had nothing to do with location, it was just where I was at in my musical capabilities at the time. The city has been nothing but good to me musically. In fact, I feel like that’s where I can create the most freely and write most of my favorite songs. 

LUNA: When you realized that creating music was your passion, did you hope to make the unconventionally alluring and unique music videos that you make now?

SALLY BOY: I think the best songs paint a picture in your mind when you listen to them. No thought required, you just implicitly imagine. Being as close as I am to the music I make, I don’t always get that same overwhelming vision, because I’m constantly involved throughout the genesis of the song. So the music videos end up being the best efforts to make concrete those visions my music has given directors we bring in as well as how I feel the music should be best portrayed.

LUNA: What advice would you give to other smaller artists who struggle with taking criticism on their art?

SALLY BOY: I mean look, you don’t gotta take all criticism to heart. I think there’s definitely treasure in some criticism because at times it will get you to the final product. But everyone has their own vision, and has their own biases. We were all raised listening to different things, we all think various things sound good. So be careful in hedging your own creative energy for someone else’s. Your art speaks for yourself and no one else, don’t let someone make something that's yours feel foreign. 

LUNA: With this project out, what do you hope the upcoming months have in store? 

SALLY BOY: I just wanna get as many people as possible to hear this project. Me and the people around me have put in so much work into it that I wanna give it the listenership it deserves. So, hopefully, nothing short of world domination of course.





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