Review: “Wanna Start A Band?” by Sleigh Bells
Credit: David Perez
WHEN SLEIGH BELLS PLAY, they sound like the loudest music can get. After a three-year absence, Sleigh Bells returns to dominating their lane of noise pop with a new single, “Wanna Start A Band?”
Alexis Krauss, singer and writer, explains the track’s origin: “In 2008 while eating at a restaurant in Brooklyn with my mom, our server, Derek (Miller), wasted very little time asking me, essentially, ‘Wanna Start A Band?’ Hard to believe that almost 17 years later we are still hyped and obsessively making records together…”
The chemistry has only increased over time with a monster riff from Miller exploding out the gate, leading to Krauss’ defiant and vaguely threatening lyrics and delivery. “Wanna Start A Band?” takes full advantage of the group’s canny ability to create anthemic, loud, aggressive yet melodic experiences. A breakdown in the back half invites an almost nostalgic detour before the guitar picks back up and shreds us away into the sunset. It’s a sonic kick in the face that feels like coming home, and an appropriate answer to a tumultuous year.
You can catch Sleigh Bells live on their upcoming tour, beginning May 9.