Q&A: UPSAHL is Diving Into Her Electrifying New Era




KNOWN FOR HER UNAPOLOGETICALLY BOLD SOUND AND POWERFUL STAGE PRESENCE - UPSAHL has quickly become a rising force in the pop and alternative scene. As she embarks on her Melt me down headline tour, there’s a palpable excitement — and it’s not just about the music. From intricate visuals that tease her forthcoming album to a community of die-hard fans who have been with her from the beginning, UPSAHL’s world is one of transformation, growth, and fierce artistic vision.

With a balance of icy new vibes and the fiery energy fans love, UPSAHL gives us a glimpse into the next chapter of her career — and we can’t wait to see what’s next. Ahead of her Austin show we got a chance to chat about the evolution of her live performances, the journey of working on her upcoming album, and how she's merging the concept of "fire and ice" into a cohesive artistic experience. She opens up about the emotional layers of her creative process, the incredible team of badass women behind her visuals, and how she’s pulling early 2000s pop inspiration into her modern sound. 

Read our full interview below.

LUNA: Tour just started – how have the first couple of shows been?

UPSAHL: It's surreal. I've been planning this tour for a long time, and now that it’s happening and I’m actually putting on the show and seeing all the fans, it’s so special. The crowd has been down to rage, which is always my goal. Whether I'm headlining or opening I want the crowd to feel like they can just go all out. 

LUNA: It must be amazing to see everyone dancing and knowing the words. That feeling never gets old, right?

UPSAHL: Definitely! It’s magical every time, and it never changes. I also see so many fans who’ve been with me from the start. There’s something so special about looking out and seeing those day-one supporters.

LUNA: How has your live show evolved since you first started performing?

UPSAHL:  It’s changed a lot. A fan recently tweeted me a video of one of my first-ever performances, and then they stitched it with a video from a recent show. The growth is crazy. With this tour specifically, I really wanted to elevate everything. A lot of fans come to multiple shows, so I wanted to make it feel fresh each time by adding old songs, unreleased stuff, and new covers. I want it to feel brand new for everyone.

LUNA: It feels like you’re in a new era, musically and with your live performances. How has your creative process changed to reflect that?

UPSAHL  I've been working on an album for the past nine months, which is coming soon. I wanted the album to live in this cohesive world, and I wanted the live show to hint at what’s to come, which is why the tour is called the *Melt Me Down* tour. It’s a blend of fire and ice, which ties into the album’s themes. 

I’ve been able to roll out little easter eggs throughout the shows that will make more sense when the album drops. It’s the first time in my career that I’ve been able to do something like this, and it’s been really fun.

LUNA: Since the visual side is such a huge part of your music and identity, what’s your role in that process? Are you creative directing or working with a team of collaborators?

UPSAHL: I’ve found a team of collaborators that I absolutely love. That’s rare, and I didn’t really have that until recently. My friend Ashley Osborne is creative directing the whole thing. She’s incredible. We met before I had a concept of what I wanted this to look like, and through exploring who I am as a person and what the new music sounds like, we created this world together. Her support and direction have been amazing. She even made props for the tour! It’s been really special working with her and this incredible team, mostly made up of badass women, bringing everything to life.

LUNA: You’ve also collaborated with a lot of different musical artists, from co-writing to features. How has that influenced your sound and process?

UPSAHL: It’s had a huge impact. Every time I’m in a room with another artist, I learn so much just by watching their creative process. I’ve been lucky to co-write with some amazing women, and as a writer, it’s really inspiring to help them tell their stories and see how vulnerable they are in the process. When I’m in the room as the artist, I feel fortunate to witness and learn from their process too. Working with people at that level has taught me so much.

LUNA: You mentioned the album earlier, so without giving too much away, can you share any themes or narratives you're exploring? Is it a concept album?

UPSAHL: Yes, it’s a concept album. I wanted it to feel icy, hard, and cold-hearted. A lot of my previous projects have centered around fire, which resonates with me because I’m a Sagittarius—such a fiery sign. My brand has always been fiery, and I’ve connected with that. But after seven years in the music industry, with all its highs and challenges, I’ve developed this hardness to myself that I’ve always admired in others. I wanted the album to reflect that—this icy, cold-bitch energy. Musically, it’s inspired by a lot of early 2000s pop, like what Gwen Stefani did with Pharrell or Nelly Furtado with Timbaland. That era is back in style, and I’m pulling from that energy—badass, hot baddie vibes.

LUNA: Are you going blue for this era?

UPSAHL: Yes! We're easing into it with blue and red, but it's definitely a blue phase!

LUNA: You’ve got this whole fall tour, the album coming up—you’re going to be busy. What are your intentions for the rest of the year?

UPSAHL: I’m focused on keeping my peace. When I’m at peace, my live shows, songwriting, and art are just so much better. Even though I’m only four shows in, I’m enjoying this tour so much. I’m excited to finish the album and just maintain that inner peace.





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