Q&A: SK & The Kings


NEO SOUL CENTERING AROUND SELF LOVE - SK & The Kings’ latest track “Even Closer” tugs at the heartstrings like no other. Blending soul, jazz and R&B, the SK & The Kings’ explores their evolving soundscape. Front women SK’s writing centers around personal and more “autobiographical” themes, with “Even Closer” exemplifying her raw emotions. The UK artist continues to create a name for themselves and won’t be stopping anytime soon. Read below to hear more about “Even Closer”, the value of collaboration and more.

LUNA: Sonically, what are some of your favorite elements of “Even Closer”? 

SK: The horn break is one of my favourite parts of the song. We had our mate, Gavin Fitzjohn come in to play all of the parts and he smashed it. Originally it was just arranged on the computer but when they were recorded live it really gave it some personality.

LUNA: Has your creative process evolved since you’ve worked on more solo materials? 

SK: Definitely. At the beginning, lyrically I was proper unoriginal but over the years my lyrics have become more ambiguous and I dig that. The same goes for the melodies as well, as I’m feeling more confident to use synths and other elements I wouldn’t have thought of when I first started. As well as that, I write everything with my mate Andy Theakstone.  When we first got in the studio I was so nervous and afraid to say something stupid or to be wrong, but the more we’ve worked together, the less afraid I am to try different things. I guess what I’m trying to say is that there’s no wrong answers in music.


LUNA: What are some common themes you find yourself drawn to when it comes to lyrics? 

SK: My absolute joke of a love life! Ha. All of the songs are literally just about what’s going on in my life at the time so it can be anything from meeting someone new, to getting dumped or feeling empowered. 

LUNA: How has music served as an emotional outlet for you? 

SK: Massively! Honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without it. It’s there for me when I’m overjoyed, miserable or frustrated and writing about what I’m going through really helps to unscramble things in my head.

LUNA: What value do you think performing and working with The Kings has had for you? 

SK: Ah man, they just give me absolute life. Having a band on stage with you, everyone vibes off each other and it just creates a great dynamic. I know they’ve always got my back and they want the songs to be even better than the track, every time. Plus they’re all such incredibly talented musicians in their own right – I’m VERY lucky to have them.

LUNA: Would you be open to collaborating with those aside from your band? Who would you like to work with? 

SK: Totally, I think it’s so important to work with other artists because you just don’t know what you’re going to get out of a session with someone new. Jordan Rakei is the one person I would absolutely kill to work with, I think he is the most talented individual.

LUNA: What do you hope 2020 has in store for you?

SK: More shows, more songs, more experience and more chances to grow as an artist. I’d love to do some festivals and pick up a cheeky support slot but we’ll just have to see what happens over the next few months. What’s meant for you won’t pass you by!





Q&A: Ben Williams


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