Q&A: Mïrändä


COLORFUL, POWERFUL AND EVERYTHING MORE - Mïrändä wows her audience yet again. Showcasing her talents with her latest video “I AM ART”, Mïrändä found a way to get a creative in quarantine by creating a video in her apartment all by herself. “I AM ART” serves as the third and final single from her tarot card inspired singles and exudes a vibrantly cool energy. The death card serves as base for her latest track, which represents endings, change, transformation, transition; reversed it represents resistance to change, personal transformation, inner purging. Watch her latest video below and read more to learn about the creative process of the video, her upcoming plans and more.

LUNA: First things first, how are you? How are you taking care of yourself these days?

MÏRÄNDÄ: Hey! I’m alright. I’m in quarantine in NYC with my parents and as far as we know we’re all safe and healthy. Some days are really difficult and I miss my friends but I feel very fortunate.

I’ve been keeping busy with little projects that make me feel good. I started growing a small herb garden in my kitchen, I’m repainting and redecorating my bedroom, I’ve been baking lots (who hasn’t?), and these days I spend a lot of time sunbathing on my fire escape, enjoying homemade Iced Chai. I’m trying to enjoy the little things J 

LUNA: You recently released a video for “I Am Art”, which was shot and edited by yourself in your NYC apartment. How would you compare this creative process to your usual set up/flow when working with others? 

MÏRÄNDÄ: In terms of music I am used to working solo but I’ve never attempted to take on my own visuals, let alone a music video. I had so much fun! It took me back to my iMovie days as a kid when I used to make tiny stop motion movies in my room. I have always loved makeup and crafting so this was a perfect project for me. 

When working with a crew it can be hard for me to loosen up around the camera. I’m a little shy and sometimes I don’t put out the energy that I mean to. Knowing that I had complete control over my content gave me the freedom to get real weird with it and try things that might not work at all. It was freeing. This won’t be the last time I shoot and edit my own music video.


LUNA: Can you share a favorite moment from filming the video? 

MÏRÄNDÄ: So not only did I film this in quarantine in my apartment, I also shot in my very narrow hallway, which happens to connect to both my parent’s room and our bathroom. There were a few times where they caught me in an embarrassing moment or walked by and laughed. I was in full drag makeup at 11am on a weekday, sometimes wearing a tutu on my head, and most of the time I wasn’t wearing pants (the camera was only getting me from the waist up so I didn’t see the point). I can’t exactly pin down one favorite moment but the little interactions with my parents were cute.

LUNA: Why is it important for you to tap into the visual side of your artistry? 

MÏRÄNDÄ: I always associate colors and textures with music so it only feels natural to present my songs alongside visuals and to let the two mediums inform one another.

I think that this video guides the listener in how to listen to and interpret the song. You can tell that I’m not taking myself very seriously. 

LUNA: Your sound has some fantastic sonic elements going on and seems to be filled with layers. Sonically, what are some of the main elements you’ve been exploring with your music lately?

MÏRÄNDÄ: Thank you! I love to layer instruments and build on sections throughout my songs.

Lately I’ve been trying to spend a little more time on my drum sounds and rhythms. Usually I put the least amount of effort into drums and I’ve been curious how starting off with percussion and giving it a little more focus might change my songwriting. I’ve also been exploring different time signatures.

It’s hard for me to stay inspired during this pandemic but I have been writing some sad, acoustic songs. I’m hesitant to finish and release them because that isn’t really what I want to listen to right now. I’d like to put out a summer bop.


LUNA: On the flip end with lyrical themes and content, how did the inspiration of tarot come into play? 

MÏRÄNDÄ: When I wrote Formula, Stay and I Am Art I was getting super into tarot, herbal medicines and other witchy things. I was dealing with some health issues at the time and these things played a huge role in my recovery. Each one of these songs is a moment from that time in my life and it just felt right to select three of the Major Arcana cards to represent them. I love that these cards add a whole other layer of meaning to these songs. You can also look at the trilogy as a three-card reading.  

LUNA: Are there any common threads or elements with your upcoming singles? 

MÏRÄNDÄ: I always have and always will be inspired by magickal things.

I’m not sure what I’ll release next. Like I said, I’ve had a tough time staying inspired lately, but I have a few older tracks that I wouldn’t mind revisiting. Maybe I’ll remix them and release an EP of unheard, slightly older material.

LUNA: How do you think your background in theatre has shaped your music? 

MÏRÄNDÄ: Oh man, I think that my background in theatre has definitely inspired drama in my music. I love an epic chorus. I think that elements of Stay and I Am Art feel like they’re straight out of a rock opera musical and if you’ve seen any of my music videos or my Instagram, I think it’s apparent that I like to play dress up.

Both my background in theatre and classical violin have shaped the way that I song-write. Theatre has taught me so much about the musicality of words. I always let my instrumental inform my vocal melodies, inflections and lyrics rather than the other way around because it’s important to me that word flow feels organic.

LUNA: What message do you want people to take away from your music? 

MÏRÄNDÄ: I try to write music that moves me and hopefully others feel that too. It’s really as simple as that. If it makes someone feel something, then I’m happy. 

LUNA: The world is in a weird place to say the least, but it seems as though you’re making the best of it and still moving forward. Do you have any upcoming goals/plans you’d like to share?

MÏRÄNDÄ: I am so grateful that this quarantine inspired a video that I am so proud of.

I recently announced on my Instagram that I’m creating a second music video for I Am Art using submissions from my listeners! I think it will be an exciting way to bring people together through art during this time of self-isolation and I can’t wait to see what people come up with. I am art. We are art. Let’s make art! 





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