Q&A: Methyl Ethel

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FILLED WITH TEXTURE AND TWISTS - Methyl Ethel gives us multilayered tracks that fill the listener up. Based in Australia, Methyl Ethyl hones in on the best of psych pop while bringing in layers of experimental elements. Jake Webb, the multi instrumentalist and producer behind the project, touches on the theme of his restless mind and the emotions that come with it with his upcoming EP Hurts To Laugh. Read below to learn more about Hurts To Laugh, his other creative interests and more.

LUNA: You recorded this album the same time as your 2019 release Triage, but what are some of the main ways the projects differ? 

WEBB: Hurts to Laugh is part three of my EP cycle, which includes the first two EPs I made years ago, Guts and Teeth. It's bit more non-traditional song form-wise, unhinged.

LUNA: Can you share a favorite memory from the creative process for Hurts to Laugh? 

WEBB: I really let loose on some of these tracks, many of the sessions have good memories. It’s all pretty tech-y though. I really loved doing the string section for the end of “Charm Offensive”.


LUNA: Which track was most difficult to make? Why did you decide to stick with it? 

WEBB:Charm Offensive” went through so many different incarnations before I finished. There was just something about the song, I can’t explain, that made me persevere. I’m very happy with how it turned out.

LUNA: What do you want people to take away from this album? 

WEBB: I’m not sure, I’d be thrilled if people just listen to it, give it a chance.

LUNA: Are there any creative mediums you’d like to tap into more? 

WEBB: I’d love to spend some time painting, maybe some film work. Too much really, but I’m completely obsessed with making music that I can never really find time to do anything else.


LUNA: Sonically, what are some elements you haven’t yet touched on that you’d like to explore more? 

WEBB: I’ve been playing more woodwinds on tracks I’m currently working on.

LUNA: Big question so take it however you like - what intentions do you have for the rest of 2020? 

WEBB: It’s already been a great year so far. I’m excited to have this EP out in the world, it also won’t be too long before there’s even more new music of mine out in the world too… so that is my intention, make music and smile while doing it haha.






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