Q&A: Embarking on a Soulful Journey with Lindsey Lomis on 'Handle With Care'


LINDSEY LOMIS’S HANDLE WITH CARE, delves into the intricate emotions of love, longing, and self-discovery. Drawing inspiration from one of its tracks, the title encapsulates the raw vulnerability that permeates the project, offering listeners a poignant exploration of the human experience. With singles like "Long Way Down," Lomis sets the stage for a captivating journey, blending poignant lyricism with infectious melodies to create a seamless fusion of emotion and authenticity.

Navigating the musical terrain between her previous EP, "Universe," and the latest Handle With Care, Lomis finds herself at a crossroads of self-discovery and artistic evolution. Each project serves as a chapter in her journey, capturing the nuances of love, longing, and personal growth. From the ethereal landscapes of "Stalker" to the introspective musings of "Outta Sight (On My Mind)," Handle With Care promises to be a transformative listening experience, inviting audiences to explore the depths of the human heart.

As Lomis prepares to embark on tour with Jacob Collier, she embraces the unknown with excitement and anticipation, eager to share her music with audiences around the world. With Handle With Care, Lindsey Lomis solidifies her position as a rising star in contemporary pop, captivating audiences with her authenticity, creativity, and unwavering passion for the art of storytelling. Through her masterful storytelling and genre-defying soundscapes, she invites listeners to embrace the beauty of vulnerability and embark on a soulful journey of self-discovery.

Read below for our full interview with Lomis and check out her playlist she curated exclusively for our readers.

LUNA: Congratulations on your upcoming EP, Handle With Care. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the title and what listeners can expect from this new release?

LOMIS: The EP title is based off one of the tracks, “Handle With Care.” I felt like this song perfectly summed up the vulnerability of this project. It’s about the rush of falling in love and the desperation of hoping you don’t get your heart broken.

LUNA: Your latest single, "Long Way Down," offers a glimpse into the sound and themes of your forthcoming EP. Can you share a fun memory from the creative process for this one?

LOMIS: I remember bringing in the chorus idea to my collaborators Ariza and Kole. I started it on my acoustic guitar, with the vision of replacing it with big hits. I explained this to Ariza and he got it immediately. He quickly put something together and I freaked out. It was perfect; exactly what I had imagined. There’s really nothing like the feeling of being understood and heard in the creative process.

LUNA: With your EP, Universe, released in 2023 and now Handle With Care on the horizon, how do you see your musical journey evolving between these projects?

LOMIS: To me, these two projects coincide with one another. I wrote a lot of these songs around the same time, and together they complete that chapter of my life. Splitting these songs up into two separate EPs was extremely natural. We all knew what needed to be on which project. Universe is about the initial intrigue in someone. New experiences that lead you to discover who you are in a relationship. Handle With Care is about the next step: being vulnerable to heartbreak because it’s the first time I’ve cared this much.

LUNA: You've mentioned that Handle With Care represents a sound you've been striving to achieve for a decade. Could you elaborate on the evolution of your sound and what makes this EP uniquely you?

LOMIS: I had the opportunity to experiment with no boundaries while creating this body of work. It’s so easy and comfortable working with Ariza and Kole, nothing feels forced. That’s been the true beauty of this creative process. Everything you hear came extremely naturally, without giving it any sort of direction. That’s what makes this music feel the most me yet.

LUNA: From your experiences moving to LA to your reflections on love and adulthood, how have personal experiences influenced the lyrical content and themes explored in Handle With Care?

LOMIS: The entire project is personal experiences. Every song, word for word, is something I’ve been through. Not only are they real experiences, but I wrote about them in real time. I would feel this new feeling and immediately write it in the heat of the moment, no filter or future lesson learned obstructing my perspective.

LUNA: You've garnered attention from various musicians and critics, including Teen Vogue and American Songwriter. How does recognition from such diverse sources impact your creative process and outlook on your career?

LOMIS: I’m so grateful for the support from various musicians and publications. I certainly don’t let any of that impact my creative process though. I don’t necessarily go into the writing process with my career in mind, but rather what I need to get off my chest. As far as looking back on my career, the encouragement from artists I look up to has been extremely motivating. It’s so inspiring to know that the people who helped mold me as a musician appreciate my own music.

LUNA: As you embark on tour with Jacob Collier, what are you most looking forward to, and how do you see this opportunity shaping your trajectory as an artist?

LOMIS: There’s really so much to look forward to in this chapter. I really just can’t wait to witness the audiences at his shows. Among his crowds more than most, you can really see how music directly brings people together. I already know it will give me goose-bumps every night. I’m also ecstatic to learn from every musician on this journey. Jacob, everyone in the band, the crowds. To see music through so many lenses will be incredibly beneficial for my own creativity.

LUNA: With your wide-ranging musical influences, from folk to jazz to rock, how do you navigate blending these genres into your unique brand of modern pop?

LOMIS: It happens somewhat unintentionally. I’m very reflective of what I listen to when I create. A lot of times I come in with references or certain sounds I want to pull from and then the song turns into something completely different. It’s fun to watch the evolution of an idea. 

LUNA: What intentions do you have for the upcoming months? 

LOMIS: I’m currently writing new music and getting ready for the release of the Handle With Care EP. I’m so eager for these songs to be out in the world. Then I’m prepping for the Jacob Collier tour. It’s so exciting to be entering such unknown territory!

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