Q&A: LACES Drops Her New Album Just In Time For Your Summer Drives


☆ BY Alex LaBrec


AFTER TAKING A BREAK FROM THE MUSIC SCENES - alternative-pop sweetheart LACES is gives us her new album Super Weirdo, and with these tracks, she isn’t just dipping her toes back into music – she’s diving full-force. 

Her latest tracks come just in time for the Summer, each song filled with the playfulness and melodic strings that reawaken your senses to the feelings of warm weather and falling in love. The instruments on each song seem to melt together to express emotions that feel saturated with introspection and light-hearted affection. 

Even in the lyrics that pine for someone else, you never lose the sense that LACES is someone that has learned not to let other people make her forget who she is. It’s a sureness that is ingrained in every part of her. You can hear it in the tracks that aren’t afraid to shift in sound in order to capture exactly what she’s feeling, and you can see it in the woman that knew she needed a break before she made music other people could roll down their windows and take in the sun to. 

Needless to say, we’re super glad she’s back, and we were even more excited to sit down to talk about what she’s got coming next. Read below to check out our conversation with LACES. 

LUNA: Congrats on the upcoming release of 'Super Weirdo'! As a whole, how are you feeling about this release?

LACES: Thank you so much! I feel mostly excited but nervous and full of so many conflicting feelings. It's been so long since I've given myself the space to create music that truly reflects my life experience. It's cathartic, but it can be hard to release those feelings out into the world - in a way art is meant to be shared but when it's as autobiographical - it can feel sacred and private. I'm trying to stay with the feeling of what it means to make meaningful art.

LUNA: Can you share a favorite moment from the creative process? 

LACES: Ooh! Probably writing "Super Weirdo" with Tone Def & Chris Ayer. I really didn't want to create that day - I felt like I had nothing to say and then we wrote "super weirdo" in like 5 minutes. I was just riffing and complaining in the verses and we just went with it. It's so special to be able to create with friends who let you be a total brat in sessions and roll with it. Ha!

LUNA: You have some solid collaborations on this project, how did those come about? 

LACES: Butch Walker took me on my first tour and is an absolute legend. It just made sense to ask him to lend his shredding skills to this project 14 years later. Some people are just real and he's one of them. 

With Molly Miller, she's been such a dear friend to my husband and me for years. When I wrote a petty clap back about sexism in the music industry, I knew I had to bring a powerful woman onboard.

Archie Faulks is such a talent. I have admired his music for so long and I even represented his music for sync for some time. His song "Gold" CRUSHES me to my core. I was so honored he was open to sing on the record.

LUNA: Going off of that, what role has working with others played in shaping your music? 

LACES: We are always learning from how we reflect in conversations with others. It's the same thing with music. I've had the opportunity to help artists grow as writers but in return they help me grow. I love working with diverse voices, because something magical gets created that would not be possible on your own. Recognizing your own weaknesses and not letting your ego steal the show opens up a brand new world which often leads to stronger work.

LUNA: Which set of lyrics are you most proud of? 

LACES: Ahh! This question kills me. They are all my babies! "Super Weirdo" has some of my favorite lyrics because they are the most relatable (or at least to my jaded friends). "You smile like you've made it, but you're not hitting the pavement and it's all accidental 'cause no one asks for credentials. And you follow the secret, so manifest if you mean it. And I'm...dissociating" - is probably the most ME lyric ever. haha. Big Capricorn energy in this track.

LUNA: What's the ideal setting for a first listen through the project?

LACES: Pour yourself some wine honey and just let it out.

LUNA: With this project out, what intentions do you have for the upcoming months? 

LACES: I have a stripped EP coming after this and some fun collabs in the works. I am also releasing an EP for my other project JPOLND. To be honest though, I just focus on creating more and more and my intentions are to always do the work and hopefully... stay out of the results.





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