Q&A: Jade LeMac Promises an Unfiltered Look into the Darker Side of Love in “Narcissistic”




SERVING ATTITUDE, GRIT AND RAWNESS — Jade LeMac boldly kicks off the new year with the release of her latest track, “Narcissistic.” This fresh offering provides a glimpse into a different facet of relationships, exploring the intriguing notion that toxicity can sometimes be a tempting and irresistible guilty pleasure.

LeMac, known for her distinctive style and fearless approach to storytelling through music, delves into the complexities of relationships with a sense of playfulness in “Narcissistic.” The song reflects a willingness to embrace the darker, more complicated aspects of love, portraying them as a spicy and alluring indulgence.

The songstress shares her inspiration behind the track, explaining that the writing process allowed her to step into the perspective of someone who finds pleasure in the toxicity of a relationship. This unique viewpoint adds layers of complexity to the song, giving listeners a chance to experience love from a different depth.

“‘Narcissistic’ was inspired by the idea that toxicity can sometimes be a spicy little guilty pleasure in a relationship,” LeMac says. “It was so fun to step into that point of view during the writing process and I’m so excited to share it.”

The track serves as a follow-up to LeMac's acclaimed sophomore EP Confessions, which made waves in the music scene when it was released in November. With the release of “Narcissistic,” LeMac continues to showcase her versatility as an artist, demonstrating her ability to navigate various emotional landscapes and deliver music that resonates with authenticity.

LeMac's willingness to explore unconventional themes and dive into the less glamorous aspects of human connection sets her apart in the music industry. Her distinctive voice, coupled with the bold narratives in her songs, has earned her acclaim and a dedicated fan base. As “Narcissistic” takes center stage, listeners can expect a captivating blend of infectious beats, empowering lyrics and a refreshing perspective on the complexities of love and desire.

LUNA: Welcome back to Luna Magazine and it’s great to have you back. It’s almost been a year since we last talked to you about your Constellations EP. I would love to catch up and know how life has been treating you and what you’ve been up to since?

JADE: Life has been treating me well, like you’ve said, it’s been a whole year and I’ve been doing a lot since then. I’ve had my first performances which has been such a great experience. I always write a lot. I released my second EP Confessions, and there’s been amazing support and energy, so it’s been a really great year.

LUNA: Your first release of the year “Narcissistic” recently dropped and I absolutely love the rawness in both the lyricism and sound. What is the inspiration behind the single?

JADE: Narcissistic, it was a word that I always had written in my notes. It's honestly kind of funny because I have trouble spelling the word. I mess up the s’s and the c’s. I thought it'd be a really fun thing to write about, and have a cool twist of toxic relationships and have it be spicy. It was one of those songs where it was more of a fun angle and it turned out to be something that I really gravitated towards and super catchy. 

LUNA: What did the creative process for “Narcissistic” look like?

JADE: I was on a writing trip and I was with some amazing people. We wrote the song in a few hours and it all just came together very quickly. It was just really fun.

LUNA: Why do you love this song? Is there a certain lyric, message or element that stands out to you the most?

JADE: I think this song, as well the deluxe EP for Confessions, the songs were very fun to write and it was a different experience compared to a lot of my other songs. I take them a lot more seriously and I really dig deep with other songs. With these ones and “Narcissistic,” I let myself loose and got to use my imagination a little bit more. 

LUNA: “Narcissistic” is also your first release since your Confessions EP last fall. Have you experimented more or taken any risks – either lyrically, sonically or emotionally – since your previous releases?

JADE: The whole deluxe is a different type of writing style than I'm used to for sure. I thought I'd experiment a little bit and write things that are outside of my comfort zone, and that's what these deluxe songs are and I'm really excited for everyone to hear them

LUNA: What can listeners expect from this new era of music?

JADE: They can just expect a whole different, more fun side of taking myself less seriously, more comedic and satire in a way. 

LUNA: What kind of atmosphere or emotional space do you aim to create for listeners?

JADE: I think with a lot of my songs, they're all so different, especially with the emotions that they can bring. I want there to be a song for every kind of emotion. I want the listeners to be able to listen to my music, and whenever they're feeling a certain way and to have that song and be able to interpret the songs however they like and connect to it in their own unique way.

LUNA: If you could describe this new era of music you’re entering into in three words, which three would you choose and why?

JADE: I think this deluxe is going to be fun, comedic and loose.

LUNA: What is your wildest dream as an artist? If you can have one thing happen (a milestone or dream collaboration you hope to achieve in your career), what would that look like for you?

JADE: As a singer, everyone dreams big. I would love to be able to do the things I have dreamed about doing since I was little. Since I'm from Vancouver, I want to perform at Rogers Arena, so that would be crazy, and having my family be able to watch me do that would be insane. 

LUNA: How are you feeling in this current era of your career and what does the rest of the year look like for you that you would like to share with Luna?

JADE: I think I'm excited for so much. I'm excited for what's to come for this year. It's already the beginning and I've got new stuff coming out very soon. After that, I'm constantly writing and constantly making music, so there's going to be a lot more stuff after that as well. I'm excited for the entire year. There's just so much to come and so much that I'm excited to bring.

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