Q&A: Boy Jr. Breaks the Cycle of Negative Self-Talk with New Single "Bullying Myself"


IN THE EVER EVOLVING INDIE POP-ROCK LANDSCAPE - Boy Jr. stands out not only for their captivating sound but also for their deeply personal and relatable lyrics. Their latest single, "Bullying Myself," delves into the often-overlooked issue of negative self-talk and its destructive impact. This poignant track, part of the upcoming album I Love Getting Dumped, showcases Boy Jr.'s ability to turn personal struggles into anthems of self-awareness and resilience.

Known for blending humor with heartfelt storytelling, Boy Jr. continues to push the boundaries of indie pop-rock with their DIY ethos and genre versatility. As they gear up for the release of their new album, fans can look forward to a collection of songs that explore the complexities of relationships and self-worth, all delivered with Boy Jr.'s signature charm and authenticity.

In our exclusive interview, Boy Jr., also known as Ariel Allen-Lubman, opens up about the inspiration behind "Bullying Myself," their approach to combating self-criticism, and the creative process behind their new album.

LUNA: "Bullying Myself" tackles the negativity we direct towards ourselves. What inspired you to write a song about this topic?

BOY JR.: Life experience and my own self destructive habits. It felt good to put some of the repetitive self deprecating thoughts out into song form instead of just circling in my head doing more damage. 

LUNA: The song encourages us to break free from these negative self-narratives. Do you have any personal tips or strategies for combating self-criticism?

BOY JR.: Genuinely, the REST method in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy has helped a lot. Otherwise, just getting it out in the open, talking to a loved one, making art about it.

LUNA: The title "Bullying Myself" is quite strong. Was it important to you to use such a harsh term to emphasize the impact of negative self-talk?

BOY JR.: I think the title really just encompasses the array of negative self talk/ habits. Looking at it this way kind of puts it into a new perspective. Like oh yeah I'm a person. I wouldn't say this to another person. And if someone else said this to me or one of my friends, I see it for what it is. Bullying and unkindness.

LUNA: The single comes from your upcoming album I Love Getting Dumped. Is there a connection between the album title and the theme of self-bullying?

BOY JR.: Definitely yeah. A lot of my negative self talk experiences from the last few years stem from rejection sensitivity/ perceived rejection, and just the issue of basing my sense of self worth on being desirable to other people. 

LUNA: What can fans expect from the upcoming album in comparison to "I Love Getting Dumped"?

BOY JR.: All the songs on the album are from different breakups/ relationships/ situationships from the last 4-ish years. Stylistically, it pulls from a lot of different influences and goes in a few different directions from song to song. But thematically its all united under being songs I made from processing different kinds of breakups.

LUNA: How have you seen your music evolve with this project?

BOY JR.: This album itself definitely shows quite a bit of evolution from song to song. Some of the songs were written and recording in 2020, some were started in one year and finished in another. All of them have had the finishing touches put on them within the last year though, so I do feel like it's all up to speed with my current tastes and vision.

LUNA: Do you have any plans for visuals for the album?

BOY JR.: Yes! There will definitely be some music videos, new merch for the album, and of course a variety of content for socials. I'm really looking forward to leaning more into the visual side and make the content less content-y and more artistic. 

LUNA: What intentions do you have for the summer season? 

BOY JR.: Finish the bonus tracks for the eventual expanded version of the album!

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