Q&A: almost a.m. Contemplates the Many Paths of Life in New Single “Quarter Way”


☆ BY Kaylie Minogue ☆


CONTEMPLATING THE FLEETING MOMENTS OF TIME — is just another afternoon activity for almost a.m. The indie group brings us their newest single, “Quarter Way,” coupled with a sleek yet glitchy music video. Writing alongside one another, the trio is somewhat obsessed with outlining the “what-ifs” in life. In thinking of these scenarios, they create upbeat yet contemplative tracks to reflect on what’s happened and predict what might be coming. 

While almost a.m. navigates through some of the harder experiences of everyday life, their tracks are always fun to bop along to. They even include little easter eggs of nostalgic sounds to allow listeners to connect even further. A notable addition includes the start-up sound of a retro video game right after you launch the coin through the slot. 

The accompanying music video for “Quarter Way” brings the uneasy subject matter to life. We see the band flicker between a barren, snowy field and a sleek performance space. The picture glitches in and out, creating noise and static to an otherwise peaceful scene. 

Luna got to chat with almost a.m. about their latest single, everything that goes into creating a band, and sounds that might already be a “quarter-way” through their time. Read the interview down below.

LUNA: Your latest track, “Quarter Way,” talks about what it’s like to go through a quarter-life crisis and all the fun “what-ifs” that go along with that. Is this something you’ve recently experienced and are reflecting on?

ALMOST A.M.: We believe that the song is less about a “quarter-life crisis” and more about the recognition of us being a quarter-way through our lives. The song speaks to not only our past and present but also to the “what-ifs” of the future. The “what-ifs” in life are a big part of our band’s focus at the current moment. We want to ask the “why” questions that other people may be afraid to acknowledge in their own lives.

LUNA: What would you like your listeners to take with them after hearing “Quarter Way”? 

ALMOST A.M.: Everyone knows how many years they have been on earth, yet no one knows how many years they have left. We believe that awareness of both the fragility and finiteness of life is a gift not to take for granted. How much time we have left greatly affects the decisions we make, yet the timeline for each individual is unknown, which leaves the decision to us of both where you want to go and who you want to be. 

LUNA: I love how the beginning of the track has that nostalgic sound of an old-school video game. Do you tend to tap into influences from your youth when making music? 

ALMOST A.M.: In the songwriting process, we are always pulling from past experiences and sometimes our childhood. Even though our songs are usually upbeat and exciting, we always try to implement some form of nostalgia within our tracks to give people that special moment of emotion while listening.

LUNA: Are there any other musicians who have inspired your latest project?

ALMOST A.M.: We get asked this question a lot, and our usual answer is Elon Musk and Katy Perry. But in all seriousness, the three of us listen to a wide plethora of genres and artists, so it makes it difficult to say one band or artist that has shaped our music. Our influences usually subconsciously make their way into our creative process without us knowing. Ultimately, we believe that this gives almost a.m. a unique sound that even Elon Musk would be excited about. 

LUNA: Is there a story behind the name of your group, almost a.m.? 

ALMOST A.M.: We think that most people — if not all people — feel in some way they are in the dark. Life naturally brings an intense weight with it. Almost a.m. stands by the statement “Though we are in the dark, the morning is coming.” There are horrible things that happen every day to people: death, hurt, depression, and anxiety. But our music reminds ourselves and others that even though life may be dark, the door to a new day is open. 

LUNA: What’s the process of creating music as almost a.m.? What are some of the best parts of being in a band for you? 

ALMOST A.M.: Since we live in the northwest, we go on writing retreats in the mountains. These writing retreats are some of our favorite times as a band. There is something so special about getting away from our daily comfortable lives to be somewhere unfamiliar. This usually leads to some of our best songwriting and creativity. And I think all of us would say that the best part of being in a band is getting to play our music live. We are very passionate about creating amazing and intricate live shows to connect with our fans.

LUNA: If you could wake up one day and be an expert at anything other than music, what would it be? 

ALMOST A.M.: Serious answer: I think that music has shown me that creating something from nothing is one of the most fulfilling things that a human can do. It’s hard to say one single thing that I would do instead, but it would still be along the lines of creating, whether that be business, film, or another form of art. 

Not serious answer: Ping pong and Wii bowling.

LUNA: Do you have any tour dates or projects coming up that we can look forward to?
ALMOST A.M.: We are currently being more selective about the number of shows that we are playing right now, and we are excited to say we are working on our biggest project yet. Much more music is on the way.