Q&A: Aleeda Blu Discusses Living In The Moment through New Single "One Night" and Upcoming EP ‘Rewritten’
Photo By Ella Kerns
DYNAMIC POP DUO ALEEDA BLU - is making waves with their second single, "One Night." This track, inspired by a night out with friends, encapsulates the theme of living life to the fullest and savoring every moment. With lyrics like "For tonight I’m not worried about what comes tomorrow," the song resonates deeply, reminding listeners to embrace the present and appreciate the journey.
Twin sisters Megan and Erin O'Donnell share insights into the creation of "One Night" and how it fits into their upcoming debut EP, Rewritten. The EP, set to release this summer, explores themes of growth, change, and resilience, reflecting the sisters' personal experiences and their journey from Richmond, VA, to the vibrant music scene of Nashville, TN. The title "Rewritten" signifies the duo's transformation and evolution in their music style, marking a new chapter in their career.
Megan and Erin's harmonious vocals and heartfelt songwriting have already captured the attention of fans and industry professionals alike. Known for their honest and relatable lyrics, Aleeda Blu continues to inspire with their music and message. As they prepare for the release of "Rewritten," the sisters reflect on their journey, the mentors who have guided them, and their excitement for what lies ahead.
Read below to learn more about the creative minds of Aleeda Blu, the stories behind their music, their unique songwriting process, and their vision for the future.
LUNA: Your new single "One Night" is all about living in the moment. What inspired you to write a song with this message?
AB: Our inspiration to write the song One Night came to us on a night out with our friends. What we wanted to incorporate in this song is to always live in the moment, and never take anything for granted. Life is so short and we want to make the most of what we are given. The lyrics we wrote really tell our true story of growth, and enjoying the journey.
LUNA: The lyric "For tonight I'm not worried about what comes tomorrow" is a great line. How do you balance living for the moment with planning for the future?
AB: This lyric is very special and holds a lot of meaning. To be honest, it has been hard to live in the moment many times in our lives. Chasing a dream in the entertainment industry can always leave you thinking into the future, instead of living in the moment. We incorporated this lyric into our song to encourage ourselves and our audience that we have to enjoy what we have in front of us, and look forward to what’s ahead.
LUNA: "One Night" is your second single. Does it set the tone for the overall sound of your upcoming EP ‘Rewritten’?
AB: One Night is our second studio single. This song as well as our first single Payback are the last two songs on our EP. These two songs close the journey of our EP “Rewritten.” Each song on our EP takes you through a journey from hard times to working your way through them and being alright.
LUNA: The title "Rewritten" is quite intriguing for a debut EP. Can you elaborate on the concept behind the title and the stories you explore in the project?
AB: The concept behind our debut EP “Rewritten” is bringing to light the idea of newness and change. We have made a lot of changes within the past year with our music style and genre. We thought the title “Rewritten” was perfect for introducing our music to our listeners.
LUNA: You mentioned honest songwriting and relatable stories. Can you share a specific story or theme you tackle in ‘Rewritten’ that listeners might connect with?
AB: There are many stories that we have tackled with writing our EP. One specific story is with our unreleased song “Therapy Session.” This song talks about depression and a sense of feeling lost in life. We chose the tile therapy session as a meaning of having a therapy session with yourself. About listening to your heart and understanding that everything will be okay. A way to show our audience that we all struggle and it’s okay to ask for help.
LUNA: As identical twins, do you find you have a unique songwriting process or creative connection?
AB: I would say we do! We both have very different writing styles. We like to write mostly separately and then come together at the end to share what we have come up with. We do think very much alike, so it is very common that we come up with the same idea for a song.
LUNA: You credit a mentor for helping propel your career. Can you tell us a bit more about the impact this mentor had on your journey?
AB: When we first moved to Nashville in August of 2021 we didn’t know anyone. We packed up our bags and moved from our hometown of Richmond, Virginia to pursue or dream of becoming professional singers. We quickly got involved in writer's rounds and met many musicians. The one mentor we met introduced us to everyone around town and helped us book our very first writers round, and from there is how it all started for us. We credit that person for seeing potential and talent in us from the start.
LUNA: Social media is a great tool for up-and-coming artists. How are you using platforms like TikTok and Instagram to connect with fans and generate excitement for "One Night" and ‘Rewritten’?
AB: Social media is a very important factor in the music industry. We are working with an amazing digital marketing team to help promote and generate an amazing fan base for our career. We are making content daily and are so excited to see what will connect with our fans.
LUNA: ‘Rewritten’ is set for release this summer. What are you most excited about for fans to hear?
AB: We are so excited for our EP release. What we are most excited about for our fans to hear is the chronological order of each song. We put them in order in a very specific way to tell a story. The story’s themes take us through sadness, loss, grief, emotion, passion, excitement, and perseverance.
LUNA: You've already accomplished so much in your young career. What are your biggest dreams for Aleeda Blu in the future?
AB: We are so blessed and thankful for the support from our family and friends that has brought us to where we are now. We look forward to touring and booking many shows in the near future. Looking to meet and connect with our fans and write and record many more songs.