Film Festival - Drama


Film Flyer Category Flyers(feed) drama.png


By Asuka Lin

I was greatly influenced by Shinya Tsukamoto's Tetsuo: The Iron Man and its intense DIY cyberpunk aesthetic. I wanted to make a film that is a homage to my experience with Tetsuo; addressing the presence of technology today and how it is informed by pained relationships. A.I. Mama seems more relevant than ever now, with many trapped at home with their computers and phones for the sake of quarantine and self-preservation.

With a main character that is unstated, but written as non-binary, I was able to quietly explore the private ways in which I express my confused gender identity through torn up shirts, messy hair, and grimy makeup. I was happy to collaborate with many queer artists and artists of color on my cast and crew, all of which I have entrusted with my personal story. 

A.I. Mama will forever hold a special place in my heart - being the first Super 8 film that I've ever directed and shot, it was a film filled with new and exciting experiments that I was fortunate to share with many others.


By Brianna Knight & Jimmy Marseille

This film explores young black love and how it doesn't have to be rooted in trauma. Many times films depict black love in a way that roots it in trauma instead of it being something light and passionate. 


By Jared Major

Ático was the first short film that I directed with a small budget. The story came from an idea that my two friends and I had, in which we would all go to a thrift store and choose three items each. Out of the nine items total, we would each choose three. The items chosen would then be our inspiration for a script. With the three items I'd chosen, I spent several weeks writing Ático. When it came to presenting our final scripts, I was the only one with a completed story; therefore my script would be the first one filmed. The film was shot in three days at three different locations in Charleston. I wanted the visuals and an original score to help drive the story, therefore there is little to no dialogue in the film.

Are You Still There

By Meredith Ettrich

"Are You Still Here" was born out of a time where I was feeling stagnant in every area in my life. I was finding it difficult to move on from a relationship and I was grappling with what it means to miss someone. When you lose someone you have a strong connection with, their presence doesn't disappear from your life. You see them and hear them in small moments as you wade through your grief. This was the state that bore a poem that eventually became this short film. Thank you to the stars Shanelle Jacobs and Sofia Sidhu, I couldn't have made it without their talent and support.




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