Film Festival - Comedy


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Field Trip

By Marian Fragoso

This is the first fictional short I wrote and directed and I was being really hard on myself and didn’t like it!! But I’m trying to be nicer to my art and trying to love it because I work hard on it! Field Trip is a no-dialogue short with dramatic irony. I want my films to always represent me and the people who I’m surrounded by. I want more people of color behind the scenes and in front of the camera telling stories of us existing. We are not always suffering; we are not always unpacking trauma. We are just folks living and also deserve comedies and other genres in film.

Girl’s Night

By Ismay Bickerton

‘Girl’s Night’ is a short animated comedy about four girls preparing for a night out, that touches on such vital topics as moustache politics and yoga with Adrienne. I got the idea to make ‘Girl’s Night’ as a friend of mine was looking for people to get involved in his online film festival, The Indoors Project. I had never animated before but I had done some art in school and did film at uni, so lockdown seemed like a great time to try it out. I was pleasantly surprised by drawn animation as I found that, unlike shooting live action, for the first time I had complete control over the design, colours, movement, etc. I was obsessed with Juno Birch at the time, who does huge over-exaggerations of femininity in her art and her drag, so I took a lot of inspiration from that. Most of all I was looking to make something a bit silly that made me and my friends laugh. 

The Massive F*cking Bender

By Laura Marcus

Born as a lockdown love child, The Massive Fucking Bender was originally made for the simple purpose of making people smile in a time when things seemed bleak. In lockdown, it seemed everywhere you looked people were obsessed with transforming themselves in the short time they had outside of normality. There seemed to be a nationwide obsession with wellness or betterment which felt somehow unnerving, as if who we were before wasn’t good enough. In response to this, The Massive Fucking Bender shows a young girl trying to change who she is in light of disappointment. To transform herself in the short period of time before starting her life in a new environment one sip at a time. 

Music by Harry Nicholson, Lynks Afrikka, James Aldred and Miles Kinsley. 

Originally created for The Indoors Project produced by Daniel Sved. 




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